Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Shall we bother with Christmas presents?

Many people buy Christmas presents for friends and family and secretly wish they didn't have to as things would be a lot more affordable, if they just had to buy for children and closest relatives. The crazy thing is the people they get gifts for are often thinking the exact same thing!

But a silence prevails and years go buy and they still do the same thing. So, the only way to sort out this issue is to actually bring it up. It's simple, you just say 'Shall we bother getting presents for each other this year?' Theres a good chance the persons face will light up and will shake your hand on the deal before you have a chance to say 'Christmas sherry'. Some, might squirm a bit, they like the idea of not having to spend as much money, but they might miss the fun of giving and receiving gifts. If it looks like that is the case, then say something with a laugh, 'Ok, how about we just spend a fiver or tenner. I'm happy with stuff from the pound shop!' This could seal the deal. They agree because they still can go about getting you something as normal, but at the same time money will being saved.


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